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Free Online MP3 Converter

Pro in Quality, Low in Compromise. Transform your audio experience with the free online TheReels’MP3 converter tool. Convert any videos, downloaded youtube videos, to audio files effortlessly. You can also use our MP3 converter to convert audio files to other formats like MP3 to AAC, WMA, OGG, FLAC, and more. Seamlessly cut, split, merge and mix your audio tracks to perfection. Let’s Try Now!

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How to Convert MP3 Files?

Upload your File

Upload your audio or video files that you want to convert to TheReels converter. TheReels supports MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV, M4A, MOV, OGG, FLAC and almost all other popular audio and video formats. Whether you’re an Iphone, Android or desktop user, you can simply upload it to our converter and it will handle the rest.

Guide 2

Select your Audio Output

After uploading your file, simply choose the audio. You can make a choice from the list of choices available in our dropdown. You can also edit the audio file according to your requirement and mix it with some other audio on the same dashboard view.

Guide 3

Convert and Download

Now, with just one click, convert your audio to the highest quality with minimal loss. Once downloaded, you can download your converted file and play it on your computer and publish it anywhere you like.

Guide 4

We know our customers

I’m an avid music listener and creator and have used this mp3 converter tool to edit and trim my audios. I can confidently say that this tool gives one of the best audio quality without loss for my audio tracks in MP3 and MOV formats(these are the two formats that I use.


This tool is really helpful. Whenever I like a video for some video music from youtube and can’t find it on any of the streaming services i use this tool to convert it to audio format for me, and have a good quality audio in my phone to listen anywhere.


As a mac user I can't easily find tools that help me convert audio tracks with good quality audio. I either get one or the other. However, TheReels MP3 converter for mac helps me convert the audio with the least loss in quality and also gives the option to trim my audios which is really helpful.


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How do I convert an MP3 file?add-icon

It can be done in 3 easy steps. Just upload your audio or video file to TheReels’ best free MP3 converter online and select the audio output format that you want with an option to edit and clean your audio. Once you have selected the format and idiots, click on convert and download the high-quality audio in your device

How to convert MP3 to audio?add-icon

You can convert MP3 to any audio format of your choice from the dropdown with an option to choose bit-rate that is up to your quality standards with minimal loss in quality. Just upload your file to our online MP3 converter, select the audio format from various choices like MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV, M4A, MOV and more. Click on convert and download the audio.

Is TheReels also a YouTube to MP3 converter?add-icon

Yes, absolutely! Our MP3 converter allows you to upload youtube videos and download MP3 for free. Our converter is compatible with multiple android devices and OS for windows and mac.

Can I edit my audio before converting it?add-icon

Yes, you can edit the audio before converting it. With our next-gen editor and AI-powered audio clean up. You get various editing options like trim, cut, split, and mix your audio with other audios and easily download it on your device with minimal loss in audio quality.

How does the MP3 audio converter work?add-icon

An MP3 converter, compresses audio from a lossless format like AAC, FLAC, WAV and more into MP3 which is compatible with major audio streaming services and devices, with a little to no loss in quality depending on the tool and bitrate selected.

How do I convert an iPhone recording to MP3?add-icon

Our MP3 converter is available on Iphone and supports all the audio and video formats like M4A, AAC, and more. You can easily upload the recording on the converter and select your desired settings and make the necessary edits if any, and convert the audio file into MP3

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TheReels is revolutionizing the way content is created. We are here so that you can create professional, engaging videos with exactly no technical skills. We eliminate the manual hassle of video creation, making it a walk in the park for you

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